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dude this game rules, thank you for making it. you gotta do more with Bellagarth in the future, please

(2 edits) (+1)

In Vera's guess the rune order game it keeps changing every time I get one column wrong and when I complete the board it shows my correct rune placements in the final column as being different from the right answer. Very confused.

Edit: It's not changing with every finished column, it's every two finished columns.

Edit 2: Actually, it seems to be changing the answer randomly? I can't tell.

(1 edit)

Hi! Hello! Hi!
I got the game on Steam and I'm throughly enjoying it even though I'm not that far in yet. I did run into a bunch of funny images though and I was wondering if there's a way to access the image files so I can have them in the highest possible quality. I looked through the local files but didn't find anything of value (aside from the super mario 66 source code). So yeah, a little help on that front would be really appreciated, though I understand if you don't want people meddling with those kinds of files.
Also small note, my friend watched me play the giantess route and was disappointed that Bella's underwear stayed on after she shrank back down lol

Anyway big fan of your work! Excited to see what else the game has in store!

PS: splat

i just bought the game here and when i try to play it this error appears



ERROR in action number 1

of Draw Event for object oTextbox:

draw_sprite argument 1 invalid reference to (sprite) - requested -1 max is 1042

at gml_Object_oTextbox_Draw_0


gml_Object_oTextbox_Draw_0 (line -1)


This likely means that the Library.csv file is corrupted in some way. 

>Go to your file browser
>Type %localappdata% in the address bar and hit enter
>Look for the folder called "liliths_lair" and delete any files in there EXCEPT for "data.ini" (that's your save).

Might wanna delete and redownload the game as well for good measure, make sure to download version 1.0.6

Sorry for the inconvenience!


Thanks a lot that help man im a big fan of your art and again thanks for the help


Game is crazy good and theres a bunch of cute secrets! 


Is this gonna get a monile port?

(1 edit)

how do you get the secret ending?


just more of a question. if ya buy on here, would ya get a steam key?

No steam key sorry! Gotta pick the platform ya want!


great game!

i am going to die in 4 years



(1 edit) (+1)

I wanted to see if i can get softlocked in Vera's connect 4 minigame and noticed she'd simply switch the piece at the top of the board as her move, it's kinda ironic that she calls us a cheater if we skip the game, but not if she blatanlty cheats lol

(Also i'm pretty sure it wasn't intentional, but it's still funny)

Edit: was doing so in 1.0.0

will you ever make a Mac version of the full game? I would really like to play the full thing but i can't


you can use Crossover to run many Windows games on Mac. that's what i do. haven't tried this one yet but based on my past experiences it would probably work


loved playing this especially the vore route will there be more content added to the game?


Glad you enjoyed it! A content update is not out of the question but for now regard this as the completed product

(2 edits) (+2)

Wonderful little game! Vera is a funny gremlin, and her minigames are pretty well implemented, super tight controls! Sometimes people fumble that and make their UIs painfully sluggish and imprecise, so it's something worth commending when done right.

The spellcasting one is also a highlight for me. Genuinely something I could see being fleshed out into it's own thing with fail states, trap nodes, etc.

The art is awesome as always, and I love the subtler notes like her portrait reflecting the loss of skirt, or the giantess final boss cutscene including the witch lady still stuck under the books if you don't save her.

Things left to be desired: 
- Vera kinda teases a third encounter on either routes which (assuming I did actually 100% it as I filled all the timelines), never really occurs. Shame, but I imagine she may be referring to future games or such ;P. I suppose I'd rather be left wanting more than being sick of staring at her mug.

- The slower minigames like spellcasting and the kitchen can get in the way of completionism. Once you see each path at least once, they'd benefit from having a skip button like Vera's.

Don't know if you plan on making more games in this format, but it's definitely a system that'd be great seeing expanded further. Keep up the great work, dude.


Thank you for the in-depth feedback! All good points, and I do think the slower point-and-click style of gameplay does lend well to kink-focused games. Adding more or doing something in a similar vein is definitely something I'm not opposed to!


Come on man please update visca's earth conquest


don't wanna!!!


bruh why


Already got my copy on steam, amazing game Kurger!!


I try to launch the game, but everytime it goes



ERROR in action number 1

of Create Event for object game:

CSV file named :[library.csv] is not valid. Either the decrypt didn't work or the filename is wrong. Check 1calappdata1r datafiles.

at gml_Script_csv_encode


gml_Script_csv_encode (line -1)


What am I supposed to do? Cause I have nothing to open library.csv


Delete your current install, and install version 1.0 and see if that one will work for ya

I downloaded 1.05, but 1.06 seems to work just fine. Thanks for the tip

Ah yeah 1.05 is straight up busted, i hid it from downloads because of that. Sorry for the inconvenience!

I love this game do you have monsters that fore fed please 


All the animations are made with So much souls, Super awesome.

What a gateway drug for Deeper fetishes.


guys if you like it visit psychotherapist pls




Fun fact
She sneezes lmaoo


More please


Oh wow~
That was a very fun game! While of course there were some parts I liked better than others (namely loving the vore much more than say the inflation), it was all drawn and animated in a very charming and hilarious way. I can say for certain that I loved playing this game.
Some questions, if I may. The game over scenes, while short, were pretty fun and funny too. Are there any plans to add a gallery viewer for those, similar to how the scene viewer is now? It's a little time-consuming to want to see one but have to play a mini-game you can't skip (not the Vera ones).
And lastly, I saw there's some funny steam achievements in the game. I'm unsure if I'll get it on Steam, but do you think it's possible to implement in-game achievements? If not just for personal satisfaction to game owners, heh.
But anyway, loved the game, loved the vore, and loved all the characters too~


Thank ya!! Glad you enjoyed it!! 

Baked-in achievements is a good idea! No promises on that one though unfortunately.

How do i get passed the crushing walls? 

You don't.

It's a joke path, it's not real.

All of the content is behind the other two doors.


Hello Mr. Burger. Great game, well worth the 6 dollarydoos, getting every achievement, and the slight paranoia that I forgot to hide my steam game.

My game worked flawlessly on Steam Deck, I only had to set it to full screen to fix the slightly blurry resolution. No fiddling at all.


Oh shit great! Glad it works on the steam deck!


Glorious game, my friend! And the way you do butts and panty shots is just amazing!


Burger Kurger back at it again with another Absolute Cinema of a game. keep 'em coming. so fucking glad i followed you.

the correct tag is "breast-expansion"

Very fun demo! I merely wish that I could play the full version without windows. 


I loved it! I played the full game on steam and had a wonderful time! Still haven't found all the secret achievements, but I'm going to keep trying. I don't really have any complaints to speak of either! I wish there were more paths/ expansions, or more bad ends related to expansion, but that's just me being greedy and not a value judgement on the game. Definitely worth a purchase!

This was fun! One thing I'm stuck on, though, the secret thing in the first room, to be as vague as possible to avoid spoilers, I've clicked every inch of the place and haven't found the last thing to click to make it work. I'm totally stumped.

The secret thing is supposed to be super out of the way and it's also not really... juicy content. It's just super goofy and silly bullshit

(1 edit)

I clicked every inch in the second room middle door maybe that could help you out

Thanks. Guess I just haven't found everything.

how many secret things fid you find in the first room tho? 

Two. I'm kinda tired of click-spamming every pixel in every room trying to find stuff, though.

did you find any more secret stuff? 


Got the game on steam, let’s gooo


Thank you!! Very much appreciated!


This game looks amazing, Burger Kurger! I'll play it as soon as I am able to! 💖

Thank ya!

(1 edit) (+1)

I may just be dumb, but no matter what I do when I try and decrypt this on PC, it just encounters an error. If I try to start without decrypting, nothing happens, if I try and decrypt any of the included files, it comes out with an error, not really sure what to do at this point since I just bought it not long ago.

Depending on which build you're using, this might be an actual problem with the game itself. Make sure you're running v1.0 , you shouldn't need to decrypt any files at all

If the problem persists even after redownloading, feel free to lemme know and we can get you refunded


Dose it work on mobile? It looks damn amazing

Thank you! And unfortunately no it doesn't work on mobile...


dang it maybe in another universe and keep up the good work


this is SO fucking good dude


Damn thank ya... glad you dig it


I really didn't expect to see vore from burger kurger !

This game is excellent !!


LMAOO thank you!! Glad you liked it!


after buying it on itchio, i will definitely get this game in steam next week


great game would definitely buy a DLC/sequel for it.


Not at all opposed to the concept of adding more, for sure!


The game freezes my computer every time I open a door.

Damn, I'm sorry you're running into that problem. The only thing I can think of as to why that would happen is something going wrong in the graphics pipeline while loading another room. 
If you're playing on browser that's probably because of how ill-optimized game maker HTML exports are.
If you've downloaded the game and you're running into that problem I'm sorry to say it might be a matter of the strength of your hardware. If the issue isn't resolved lemme know here and I can issue you a refund!

I could downloaded it (and it'll work fine). But my computer using linux.


nice to see a callback to your earlier projects, mainly "Gourmage vs The Dragoness"


Yeah! I thought it'd be fun to tie it together


 I, as the greediest person, will buy the game through Steam. It’s cheaper this way. (Well, I don’t know how to transfer money to from Russia.) 

And so, it looks interesting.


Steam is a good option! Whichever works best for you

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